1. Child Labor 童工
The factory does not employ children below the age of 16 or the minimum legal age.
For example例如
- Keep all workers identity card copy
- 保留所有员工身份证副本
2. Forced Labor 强迫性劳工
The factory does not use forced or involuntary labor. Workers are not forced to lodge deposit or their identity papers with their employees.
For example 例如
- All workers allowed leaving after work at any time
- 所有员工容许于工作后随时离开。
- No physical or verbal abuse.
- 没有体罚或口头威胁。
- All workers permitted to have sick leave or maternity leave.
- 所有员工允许有病假或产假。
- No workers required to lodge original identity document (ID card).
- 工厂不可扣留员工正本身分证。
- No workers required to lodge deposit.
- 工厂不可收员工按金。
- All workers free to enter and exit dormitory.
- 所有员工可自由进出宿舍。
3. Health and Safety 健康及安全
The factory has an adequate number of safe, unblocked fire escape routes accessible to workers from each floor or area of the factory (or area of the accommodation, if provided). Accommodation, if provided, is clearly segregated from the factory/ production area.
工厂应提供适当数量及没有障碍的安全消防通道 (包括宿舍), 宿舍要和加工区分开。
For example例如
- Adequate fire exits and escape route at each factory floor and dormitory (unblocked & unlocked, and at least 2 fire exits).
- 工厂和宿舍应有足够紧急逃走路线 / 通道 (没有杂物或受阻, 及最少两个安全消防通道) 。
- No dormitory located in/ with production building/ or warehouse.
- 宿舍不可位于与生产大厦或仓库。
4. Freedom of Association 自由结社
Workers are allowed to join unions or some other type of worker representation committee.
5. Discrimination 歧视
No discrimination on race, caste, age, gender, religion or union membership is observed.
6. Disciplinary Practices 操行守则
Workers are not subjected to physical abuse, that threat of physical abuse or intimidating verbal abuse.
7. Working hours 工作时间
Working hours comply with legislation and are not excessive.
8. Compensation 薪金
Wages are enough to meet the basic needs and provide some discretionary income.
9. Environment 环保
The factory does not knowingly break local environmental laws.
10. Quality Control Assessment质量管理
Included incoming material control, process control, random product inspection & continuous improvement.
包括来料控制,生产控制,产品检查 & 持续改善管理。