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GSV&C-TPAT(反恐)安全认证标准 |
[ 发布时间:2009/9/13 19:13:25 ] |
1.1 Are there procedures in place on to properly seal and maintain the integrity of the shipping containers for warehouse? 貨倉有程序規定如何正確密封和保持貨運集裝箱的完整性嗎? 1.2 Does factory use a high security seal which meets or exceeds the current PAS ISO 17712 standard must be affixed to all loaded containers bound for the US ? Is there documented procedure asking the cargo exporting to USA to use seals which conform to PAS ISO 17712 standard?對出貨到美國的集裝箱是否使用高度安全的符合和符合PAS ISO 17712 標準的封條? 有書面的程序要求出口美國的貨物要使用達到PAS ISO 17712標準的封條? 1.3 Does the facility make records for the cargo's seal number while it's passing in and out?Does the facility check the contents of containers and record the new seal number while meeting with broken seals?對進出的貨車是否記錄封條號? 當發現封條損壞時是否檢查集裝箱內貨物,並記錄新封條號? 1.4 Is there documented procedure about the posting, replacing, recording and tracing of seals used on containers and cargos?有關於張貼,取代,記錄和追溯用在集裝箱和貨車上的封條的程序? 1.5 Are procedures in place to verify the physical integrity of the container structure prior to stuffing for warehouse? 貨倉是否有程序規定裝貨之前確認集裝箱結構的物理完整性? 1.6 Are there documents in place for 7 point container & seal inspection? 貨倉有關於集裝箱的七點檢查和封條檢查的文件記錄嗎? 1.7 Has Finished Goods Warehouse the written procedures in place to stipulate how seals are to be controlled and affixed to loaded containers, only designated employees should distribute outbound container seals (access is controlled)? 成品倉有書面的程序規定如何控製和如何給在裝載後的貨櫃加封條, 並且只有指定的人員才可以派發海外貨櫃的封條嗎? 1.8 Are there procedures for verifying proper seals used and correctly affixed to containers by someone other than the person who affixes the seal before the container leaves? 工廠有程序規定在貨櫃拉走之前由其他人檢查是否使用正確封條和是否正確封箱嗎? 1.9 Are procedures in place for reporting and neutralizing unauthorized entry into containers or container storage areas (or other anomalies or illegal activities, i.e. seals are removed while transit? 工廠有程序規定如何上報和處理未經許可進入貨櫃或者貨櫃存放區的情況嗎(或其它異常的或非法的活動,例如封條在運輸途中被拆掉)? 1.10 Are containers stored in a secure area to prevent unauthorized access and/or manipulation? 集裝箱被存放在安全的地方可防止未經許可的接觸或操作嗎? 2.1 Is the container number registered for cargos passing in and out the facility?對於出入的貨車有登記集裝箱號嗎? 2.2 Is there single procedure about examination to cargos passing in and out the facility?進出的貨車要有單獨的流程進行檢查? 2.3 Are visitors subject to additional security control?訪客有進行額外的安全控製? (如使用金屬探測儀進行檢測) 2.4 Is there records for visitors' distribution and reclamation?對訪客卡有發放和回收記錄? 2.5 When the employee card,visitor card,vendor card are missed, ensure the safeguards are informed?工卡,訪客卡,供應商卡丟失時要通知保安? 2.6 Is there one department exlusively responsible for distributing and management of employee card?有某個部門集中發放和管控工卡? 2.7 Is there a warning system to intrusion?有入侵警報系統? 2.8 Is a card access system available to every outer door?所有外部入口有安裝門禁系統? 2.9 Is there documented procedure about maintaining and testing card access system?有關於維護和測試門禁系統的文件程序? 2.10 Are there procedures in place to restrict, detect and report unauthorized access to shipping, storage and loading area? 工廠有程序規定如何限製,發現和上報未經許可進入儲存,裝運區域的情況嗎? 2.11 Is there an employee identification system in place for positive identification and access control purposes? 有員工身份識別系統可以準確識別和控製出入權限嗎? 2.12 Is the issuance and removal of employee, visitor and vendor identification badges adequately controlled by security or authorized persons? 員工,訪客和供應商識別卡的發放和回收是由保安或者相關授權人員統一控製的嗎? 2.13 Are there documented procedures on issuance, removal and changing access devices? 有程序規定如何發放,取消和變更控製權限設備嗎(如鑰匙/工卡等)? 2.14 Are visitors required to present photo identification for documentation purposes upon arrival? 訪客到訪時被要求使用有照片的證明文件給保安工作人員登記嗎? 2.15 Should all visitors be escorted and visibly display temporary identification? 所有訪客有陪同進入廠區且佩戴臨時證件嗎? 2.16 Is proper vendor ID and/or photo identification presented for documentation purposes upon arrival by all vendors? 所有供應商到廠都要出示有照片的證明文件來登記嗎? 2.17 Does Security maintain an up-to-date list of names and addresses of all contractor, vendor, repairmen personnel? 保安部有工廠即時更新的所有承包商/供應商/維修部人員的緊急聯系清單嗎? 2.18 Is arriving packages and mail daily screened before being disseminated? 保安有對送達的包裹和信件進行定期檢查嗎(每天或每周)? 2.19 Is there a designated person supervises the introduction/removal cargo? 工廠有專人負責收貨和卸貨嗎? 2.20 Is there documented procedure on identifying and addressing unauthorized/unidentified persons? 工廠有書面的程序規定如何識別未經授權的人員出入控製嗎? 3.1 Has Recruitment a verify application information such as employee history and reference prior to employment, such as education backgroud, working experience, criminal background verification included? 工廠招聘組在雇佣前檢查申請信息, 例如員工過去的情況嗎(如教育背景, 工作經驗及是否有犯罪背景)? 3.2 Are all of the employees subject to background investigation which also should be updated periodically?所有員工都要有背景調查,並定期更新? 3.3 Are the contractors who will passing in and out some restricted area in facility subject to background investigation? 對進出受限制區域的承包商要進行背景調查? 3.4 Are there documented procedures on removing identification, facility, and system access for terminated employees? 有書面的程序規定如何收回廠證,取消進入工廠,系統的權限嗎? 3.5 Does the identification system identify all of kinds of ID card?(the first and second generation ID cards) 身份證認證系統能否識別所有身份證? 4.1 Is all information used in the clearing of merchandise/cargo, legible, complete, accurate, and protected against the exchange, loss or introduction of erroneous information? 貨物相關的所有信息都是清晰,準確,完整和被防護的,防止變更,遺失和導入錯誤信息嗎? 4.2 Has factory the safeguarding computer access and information?電腦權限和信息安全嗎? 4.3 Does Warehouse have adequate procedures in place to protect against unmanifested or unapproved parts, components or raw materials being introduced into production? 貨倉有書面的程序如何防止未列明的貨物(如未被列明或授權的零件, 原材料等)進入生產區域? 4.4 Is the cargo accurately described on manifest, and the weights, labels, marks and piece count indicated and verified? 貨單上準確描述了貨物,有標明重量,標簽,麥頭和數量並被確認嗎? 4.5 Does it reconcile arriving cargo against information on the cargo manifest? 實際貨物和相應的貨單顯示信息保持一致嗎? 4.6 Does Warehouse verify departing cargo against purchase or delivery orders? 貨倉按照訂單和運單確認發運貨物嗎? 4.7 Are drivers positively identified before access to facility by security? 司機入廠前保安工作人員有對其進行身份識別嗎? 4.8 Are drayage trucks required to enter and exit through a designated entrance and exit? 貨車是從指定的進出口出入嗎? 4.9 "Have all shortages, overages, and other significant discrepancies or anomalies for the materials and or products been resolved and/or investigated appropriately by Warehouse and Security? 所有貨物短缺,過量和異常的情況都被貨倉和保安適當調查和處理嗎?" 5.1 Is there a procedure for reporting of potential security issues observed by employees? 工廠是否有供雇員如何上報發現潛在安全隱患的渠道或程序? 5.2 Does factory provide additional training to employees in the shipping and receiving areas, as well as those receiving and opening mail? 工廠有給收發貨區的員工以及收信件的員工提供額外的培訓嗎? 5.3 Does factory offer specific training to assist employees in maintaining cargo integrity, recognizing internal conspiracies and protecting access controls? 工廠有提供特別的培訓,幫助員工如何保證貨物完整,識破陰謀和控製權限嗎? 5.4 Does the new employee orientation include challenging and reporting unapproved persons? 新雇員的培訓包括盤問和上報身份不明的人? 5.5 Does the new employee orientation include maintaining the integrity of cargos? 新員工培訓包括保持貨車完整性? 5.6 Does the new employee orientation include identifying inner conspiracy? 新員工培訓包括識別內部陰謀? 5.7 Does the new employee orientation include identifying illegal actions?新員工培訓包括識別非法行為? 5.8 Does the new employee orientation include identifying hazardous substance and equipment?新員工培訓包括識別危險物質和設備? 5.9 Does the new employee orientation include reporting compromised security infrastructure (broken locks, windows, computer viruses)? 新員工培訓包括上報危及安全的基礎建設(如壞掉的鎖和窗戶,計算機病毒)? 5.10 Does the facility have a process in place to require all personnel to participate in the security awareness program? 所有人員都參加安全意識程序? 5.11 Does the facility have process in place to publicize the security procedures throughout the facility (i.e. posters, bulletin boards, etc)? 工廠有對於安全程序進行宣傳(通過宣傳欄,通告板等)? 5.12 Does the company require C-TPAT enrollment of its contractors while applicable? 在適當的時候公司對承包商進行反恐的基本培訓? 5.13 Are employees assigned to be responsible for the audit and review of security issues? 指定職員負責安全問題的審核和評估? 5.14 Does the facility conduct a site security assessment?執行現場安全的評估? 5.15 Does the facility document security improvement action plan summarizing identified vulnerabilities and implement their relevant corrective actions? 對於安全問題點有記錄並且有改善行動程序? 5.16 Is there policy ensuring that security procedures are recorded and documented? 有政策保證安全程序被記錄並做成文檔? 5.17 Does the facility implement, periodically update and evaluate the security improvement schedule? 執行,定期更新和評估安全改善計劃? 6.1 Do physical barriers and deterrents for cargo handling and storage facilities that guard against unauthorized access? 有障礙物或屏障可防止非法進入貨物的處理和存放區域? 6.2 Does perimeter fencing enclose the areas around cargo handling and storage facilities? 貨物的處理和存放設施有圍牆隔離嗎? 6.3 Does factory provide for segregation and marking of international, domestic, high-value, and dangerous goods cargo by a safe, caged or otherwise fenced-in area? 所有國內,國際,高價值和危險貨物分別被存放在工廠內用安全的圍欄或其它任何隔離方式分離開的安全區域嗎? 6.4 Are finished products segregated and stored in a designated area? 成品是被隔離和存放在指定的區域裡嗎? 6.5 "Does factory regularly inspect all fencing for integrity and damage? 工廠有組織定期巡視圍牆嗎?" 6.6 Are gates through which vehicles and/or personnel enter or exit manned and/or monitored?車輛和人員進出的大門有人把守或監控嗎? 6.7 Are private passenger vehicles prohibited from parking in or adjacent to cargo handling and storage areas? 私人車輛被禁止停放或靠近貨物存放及處理區域嗎? 6.8 Is building constructed with material that resist unlawful entry? 建築物由可防止非法入侵的材料建造嗎(如混凝土, 金屬等)? 6.9 Does Facility Department periodic inspect and repair the structures? 工廠維修部有定期檢查和維修建築物嗎? 6.10 Are all external and internal windows, gates and fences secured with locking devices? 工廠內部和外部的門,窗,圍牆都有鎖配裝置對其進行控製嗎? 6.11 Is the issuance of all locks and keys controlled by Security or authorized persons? 保安部或相關授權部門/人員有對鎖和鑰匙的發放進行統一控製? 6.12 Is adequate lighting provided inside and outside facility, includes entrances and exits, cargo handling and storage areas, fence lines and parking areas? 工廠內部和外部都有足夠的照明,包括進出口,貨物存放區域,圍牆和停車場嗎? 6.13 Is alarms systems & video surveillance cameras utilized to monitor premises and prevent unauthorized access to cargo handling and storage areas? 工廠有使用報警和攝像頭監視系統來防止非法進入貨物處理和存放區域嗎? 6.14 Are the Card Access System records of daily transactions maintained in a secure area for at least 60 days by Security? 保安部對所有出入口的門禁系統作日常的檢測, 且保存檢查記錄至少60天嗎? 6.15 Is the Card Access System which is covered at all external exits/entrances serviced and tested by Security or authorized perpsons?保安或相關授權工作人員有對門禁系統進行保養和測試嗎? 6.16 Is there internal or external communication system to internal security personnel or law enforcement in case of security breach? 黨有安全問題時有內部或外部的聯絡系統來聯系內部保安或執勤人員嗎? 6.17 Is facility is monitored by security personnel 24 hours? 工廠由保安人員24小時監控嗎? 6.18 Are electrical security system (CCTV cameras CCTV cameras or automatic alarms) equipped in all critical areas, production and packaging areas included? 所有的重要區域包括生產以及包裝區域都有安裝錄像監控系統和警報系統嗎? 6.19 Does Security have a documented procedure in place to service and test the electronic security systems? 保安有對工廠內的監控系統和警報系統等進行測試的相關書面記錄嗎? 6.20 Does Security Department maintain recorded security tapes in a secure area for at least 30 days? 已登記的監控錄像帶被保安存放在安全的區域至少為30天嗎? 6.21 Is the tape of video replaced by qualified one every 1 or 3 months?錄像帶每1-3個月更換以確保錄像質量並隨時加以複查嗎? 6.22 Is there special employees responsible for the distribution of keys?專門的人員負責鑰匙的發放? 6.23 Is there record for the distribution every kinds of keys and cards to employees?各種鑰匙和卡在向員工發放時是否有記錄? 6.24 Is the employee card validated in the restricted area?(RWH,FWH)在受限製的區域是否要求驗證工卡?(如貨倉部,成品倉) 6.25 Are the camera systems installed in appropriate location?攝像系統安裝在合適的位置? 6.26 Are the facility's entrance doors monitored by cameras?工廠大門要有攝像監控? 6.27 Are there motive cameras and warning system installed in the facility?工廠內有活動攝像頭和警報系統? 6.28 Does the facility require the use of visual identification for visitors,vendors and employees parking (a coded parking sticker, tag, decal)? 訪客,供應商和雇員的停車場有可視的標誌牌? 7.1 Is there firewall to protect information for these computer which connect to internet? 和互聯網連接的電腦設有防火牆嗎? 7.2 Does factory use individually assigned accounts that require a periodic change of password for automated system? 自動系統中使用單獨的帳戶並且定期更改密碼嗎? 7.3 Are IT security policies, procedures and standards in place? 有IT安全政策,程序和標準嗎? 7.4 Does factory provide IT concerned training to employees? 工廠有給員工提供信息安全相關培訓嗎? 7.5 Is there a system which identify the abuse of IT including improper access, tampering or the altering of business data? 工廠有程序確認IT的非正常使用,包括非法取得,破壞,篡改業務資料嗎? 7.6 Is there a system recording, reviewing and periodically investigating the invalid password attempts and unauthorized access to files?有系統定期對無效密碼訪問和未授權文件訪問的記錄進行評估,維護和調查? 7.7 Important computer information's backup has been stored off site?重要的計算機信息在隔離的區域備份? 7.8 Is there procedure and schedule to ensure the resuming of important IT data?有程序或計劃以實現重要IT數據的恢複? 8.1 Have business partners related with transportation C-TPAT certificate?工廠的運輸業務伙伴是否有C-TPAT證書? 8.2 Is Business partner without C-TPAT certificate required to demonstrate meeting C-TPAT security criteria? 沒有證書的業務伙伴是否符合C-TPAT安全標準? 8.3 Does the facility have a vendor certification program for raw materials vendors? 工廠有專門針對原材料供應商進行認證的程序嗎? 8.4 Does the facility consider the contractors' former hiring practice? 是否考慮承包商以前的雇佣情況? 8.5 Is there procedure stipulating contractor how to report the security violation?有程序規定承包商怎樣上報安全違反項? 8.6 Does the facility make on-site examination to the contractors' work with regard to security standards and procedures? 在承包商工作現場進行安全標準和程序方面的檢查? 8.7 Is there procedure stipulating the in-country carriers how to report security violation?有程序規定國內運貨員怎樣上報安全違反項? 8.8 Are safe guards hired during the in-country transportation?國內運輸途中是否雇佣保安? 8.9 Is time recorded during the in-country transportation?國內運輸途中追蹤記錄時間? |
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